How can we make the digital transition a success?

How can we make the digital transition a success? The mission: to illustrate the Strategic Orientation Report of CIGREF, which supports French companies in their digital transition. The challenges: to creating a mascot emblematic of CIGREF and using it in comic strips punctuating the report, bouncing off the content humorously, or explaining key concepts in the report. Style: humorous and educational comic strips Do you also need educational illustrations or infographics? Feel free to reach out! Load More End of Content. ◂ Return to portfolio
How can we make the digital transition a success?

How can we make the digital transition a success? The mission: to illustrate the Strategic Orientation Report of CIGREF, which supports French companies in their digital transition. The challenges: to analyse a very large quantity of content and, for each strategic question in the report, to illustrate the different trajectories towards desirable situations (e.g. what can be done to ensure that digital technology contributes to the environmental transition?) The style: in the spirit of a goose game, personification of the digital players (States, EU, companies, citizens) and staging of each stage of the scenarios (financing, awareness-raising, crises, innovations, etc.). Do you also need educational illustrations or infographics? Feel free to reach out! ◂ Return to portfolio
Educational comics on handicap

Accelerate the inclusion of handicap in society I recently worked on a series of educational comic strips and illustrated inserts to add to Ellyx‘s final report for Unapei 30, which works in the field of disability. These comic strips transcribed the testimonies gathered during the mission, in particular from disabled people, directors of establishments or action group members; they also clarified the working processes between different groups by putting them into pictures. Do you have a project of educational comics as well ? Feel free to reach out! “When we work with the local police on securing the street in front of our centre, the whole neighbourhood benefits from it !” ◂ Return to portfolio
Integrated Water Resources Management made easy : illustrated training material

Integrated Water Resources Management made easy and visual, for a training material I illustrated some material for a training on Integrated Water Resources management for AFD, the French Development Agency. I worked on an interactive schema used during the Water and Sanitation training course for AFD staff. The schema, which focuses on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), lists the different existing water resources, the relationship with this resource (protecting it, using it) and its different uses. Do you also need some illustrated material for a training? Come reach out! ◂ Return to portfolio
Illustrated infographics on freshwater migratory fish

Save freshwater migratory fish ! For Wetlands International, I created a 4-page A4 leaflet presenting the Trans-European Swimways programme. The programme aims to restore migratory freshwater fish ecosystems in Europe, by improving access to scientific knowledge to strengthen public policy, or through capacity building and action on the ground. The leaflet contains two illustrated infographics, one showing the obstacles preventing fish migration, the other illustrating the solutions for restoring their ecosystems and encouraging their migration. Do you also have a project of illustrated infograhics ? Feel free to reach out! ◂ Return to portfolio
Illustrated infographics on water security

Water security stories : meet the World Water Envoys ! This is my second collaboration with IWRA, the International Water Resources Association ! Once more, I had the opportunity to show the water security stories of the four World Water Envoys through educational infographics. Aimed at being used during international events like the World Water Congress, those illustrated infographics are an educational tool for the general public, highlighting the various factors at the root of water security problems, their consequences for communities, and possible existing solutions. IWRA published those infographics on their website, on social media and used during conferences, combining illustrated elements, graphic data visualisation and text. Would you also like to work on illustrated infographics ? Feel free to reach out! Load More End of Content. ◂ Return to portfolio
How do we create gender-friendly toilets ? An illustrated guide !

How do we create gender-friendly toilets ? An illustrated guide I recently collaborated with AFD to create an illustrated infographics on gender friendly design of toilets. How can toilets be designed and operated in a way that protects women, provides intimacy, confidence and adapted equipments, based on their needs? This infographic was used several times in meetings with Ministries of Water and Sanitation in some countries where AFD finances projects. Would you also like to develop illustrated guides and infographics? Feel free to reach out! “When we work with the local police on securing the street in front of our centre, the whole neighbourhood benefits from it !” ◂ Return to portfolio
Educational card deck on gender and climate change

Educational card deck on gender and climate change For the F3E (network of international solidarity NGOs and associations), I illustrated a 42-card awareness-raising game called Planète Genre (Gender Planet) designed to address the relationship between gender and climate. The aim of the game is to spark reactions around different families coping with climate change in different parts of the world. It seeks to illustrate the concrete impacts on different life paths, in relation to both the gender of the people concerned and other criteria such as ethnic origin, wealth or poverty, migratory status, and so on. Each card represents a characteristic (and therefore necessarily caricatured) character in a region. Planète Genre is based on real-life situations, but is not intended to be exhaustive. The game is accompanied by a booklet that details specific situations experienced in different contexts and explains their interdependencies. It also looks at the extent to which adaptation and mitigation solutions exist and need to be supported. The gender lens helps us to understand not only the different vulnerabilities of women and men and the barriers they face, but also how they can contribute to finding solutions. The game is now used in workshops and conferences to facilitate discussions on gender inequality and climate change. Do you also wish to create an educational illustrated game ? Feel free to reach out ! Load More End of Content. ◂ Return to portfolio
Agriculture and reinforcement of agricultural supply chains

Illustrations on agriculture and reinforcement of agricultural supply chains I created a series of illustrations to highlight GRET‘s Agriculture, Sectors and Agricultural Policies Department. The aim is to draw the attention of a wide audience to the solutions advocated by the Association, on agriculture and reinforcement of agricultural supply chains. Do you have a project of educational comics as well ? Feel free to reach out! ◂ Return to portfolio
Publication cover : Changing Territories through Collective Action

Changing territories through collective action: a publication cover For the F3E, a network of international solidarity NGOs and associations, I created an A4 illustration for the cover of a capitalisation book entitled “Changer les Territoires par l’Action Collective – CHTAC” (Changing Territories through Collective Action). The book explores the use of approaches based on collective action on a territorial scale. Its cover reflects the same approach: showing the benefits of collective action so that we can go further together. Do you have a project of educational comics as well ? Feel free to reach out! ◂ Return to portfolio